Variable, data types, operators, string, comment, input & output shell
Decision making: if, if…else, if…elif…else
Loops: for, while, nest loop; break, continue, pass statement
Sequences: List, Tuple, Dictionary
Function, Anonymous Function, Module and Package, Python’s Standard Library
Files I/O
Part 2: Selenium Automation with Python
Overview of Selenium
Selenium Automation Framework
WebDriver và Python Unittest: Testcase, Assert functions, Testsuite, Test runner
Basic of Selenium WebDriver with Python: WebDriver Browser, Load page, Basic WebDriver functions, Browser Navigation, Run test with Chrome, IE, FireFox
Navigating: Interacting page, Filling in forms, Drag and drop, Moving between windows and frames, Popup dialogs, Cookie
WebDriver - Locating UI Elements: Element and DOM, By Id/ Name/ Xpath/ Link Text/ Tag Name/ Class Name/ CSS Selectors, List of element
Working with Elements: Click and type, Find state, RadioButton and checkbox, List of Element, Dropdown, Hidden Element, Calendar Selection, AutoComplete, Screenshot
Method and Property: Get text on element, Get value from element attribute, Check element present, Select option trong Dropdown, Build Dynamic XPath